I carry enough tools and supplies to handle most minor repairs in a single visit for a reasonable price.
Action Regulation:
Adjustments aimed at increasing the efficiency of the mechanical part of your piano are called action regulation. Frequently, relatively inexpensive adjustments can make an enormous difference in the sensitivity of touch, allowing you to play much more expressively. These adjustments restore the correct tolerances that were set when your piano was new, but which gradually chang over the years with use. There are over a dozen adjustments per note. My job is to recommend which of these will make the greatest improvement with the least expense.
Adjustment of the tone of a piano is called voicing. It is accomplished by making careful changes to the shape and density of the hammers. A properly voiced instrument can sound remarkably more beautiful. Voicing is the most difficult skill for a tuner to learn, and it typically takes years to master. I enjoy this task of bringing out the greatest beauty in the sound of an instrument.
The Piano Technician’s Guild defines reconditioning as follows: “Reconditioning is the process of putting a piano back in good condition by cleaning, repairing, and adjusting for best performance with parts replacement only where necessary. This is most appropriate for a piano with only moderate wear or those of medium value with average performance requirements.”
“Reconditioning does not involve replacing major components such as the soundboard, bridges, pinblock, and most action parts. This means the performance and life-span of an older piano will not be restored to new. Instead, reconditioning is designed to improve a piano’s performance, keeping in mind both costs and benefits.”